Pick N Pay i Mbabane

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Mbabane, Swasiland
Kontakter telefon: +268 2404 0571
Hjemmeside: www.picknpay.co.za
Latitude: -26.3262796, Longitude: 31.1402059
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Kommentar 5

  • Ivan Kahl

    Ivan Kahl


    Have had a good shopping experience there on multiple occasions. Can be busy (completely understandable) at times but otherwise its good. The staff are friendly and the products have variety and are fresh.

  • Ingrid Khoza

    Ingrid Khoza


    Just for a quick shopping.

  • Bongiwe S Dlamini

    Bongiwe S Dlamini


    Had a wonderful time in the shop, thanks for extended time.

  • linda magongo

    linda magongo


    They have a wide range of products and fresh produce but be careful when checking out because the cashiers tend to keep a few coins to themselves. They steal from your change and even though it is not much but it is a lot of money at the end of the day. The managers are aware of this and they do help you get back your money as they claim they never get this money at the end of the day and would like to get rid of these cashiers. Besides the corruption it is a great store to get your groceries and fresh food.

  • Dlamini Sithembiso

    Dlamini Sithembiso


    I bought a Cake U could not eat as it very salty when I took it back the bakery supervisor was very helpful in resolving the issue.

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