Sisekelo High School i Big Bend

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Big Bend, Swaziland
Kontakter telefon: +268 2363 6093
Latitude: -26.7926853, Longitude: 31.9451308
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Kommentar 2

  • Gcinizwi Dlamini

    Gcinizwi Dlamini


    A terrible school. Terrible learning enviroment due to awful teaching, bad management, dicsipline and leadership. The hostels are run down and need as much attention as the school. After all they still are a part of the school campus, but it doesn't look that. The staff needs refurbishment. The students are mistreated as most of the staff have favourites and they don't treat the pupils equally and fairly. It still has a long way till it can even be considered one of the best schools in Swaziland. This is the most expensive school in swaziland, but unfortunately, You do not get your value for money at this school. It's unprofessionalism is astounding. There are better schools around the country that are much more affordable and professional. Those schools are also located much closer to the central cities making them easy to get to. Would not be a good idea to send your children to this school, as you will find out for yourself, it is not worth it.

  • phobos moon

    phobos moon


    super spooky school

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