Mountain Inn Hotel i Mbabane

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Princess Drive, Mbabane H100, Suazilandia
Kontakter telefon: +268 2404 2781
Latitude: -26.3412099, Longitude: 31.1518079
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Kommentar 5

  • Nonhlanhla Mnisi

    Nonhlanhla Mnisi


    This is an upscale, lively and gorgeous hotel overlooking the Mbabane city centre and the mountains. Lovely restaurant and bar services, with a great view of course. The rooms are elegant and of course they make you feel at home. Definitely going back!!!!!! I love them 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

  • Patricia Crist

    Patricia Crist


    Loved this setting for 1 night. Large picture window to watch lightening storm and valley vista. Restaurant and pub good and staffed well. Nothing else around Inn as in regular housing area.

  • Peet Oosthuizen

    Peet Oosthuizen


    Good location. Very friendly staff. Clean rooms but some renovation needed especially in the passages. Effective and free wifi. Good breakfast. Value for money accommodation in Mbabane. Recommended.

  • Roberto Graziotin

    Roberto Graziotin


    hotel molto bello, tutto perfetto, camera grande e pulitissima. Veduta sui rati e sulle montagne, molto bello. Personale accogliente e molto cordiale. A pochi minuti dal centro ma lontano dai rumori delle strade e del centro. Super consigliato!

  • travis bluemling

    travis bluemling


    Stunning view and a perfect place to stay for our first night in Swaziland! The staff were super friendly and check-in was very smooth. Angel was so helpful and quick to help! I would recommend anyone to stay here, for at least one night, to enjoy the view!

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