Coconut Restaurant @ Serendipity i Mbabane

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506 Siphefu Street, Mbabane, Swaziland, Mbabane, Suazilandia
Kontakter telefon: +268 2411 1716
Latitude: -26.31761, Longitude: 31.12851
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Kommentar 5

  • Michelle Jacobs

    Michelle Jacobs


    Great people! Great food!

  • 황호



    good ~ One of the few restaurants in mbabane ~

  • Mthimunye Andile Precious

    Mthimunye Andile Precious


    Nthsanibdzwe restaurant in suncity

  • Zinhle Mkhari

    Zinhle Mkhari


    I was here a few weeks ago for a farewell dinner. I must say the place is beautiful and very welcoming. I fell inlove with their pork die for...!

  • Vivian Huang

    Vivian Huang


    Since there is no Yelp here in Swaziland, I will now write reviews for places I have been here on Google +! I visited this place about about 2 months ago for a friend's going-away dinner party. The place is spacious with indoor and outdoor seating. We were able to get a table for 7. I have to say that in general, service in Swaziland is just slow. But they were actually quite efficient here by Swazi standards. They have a nice selection of wines and offer up a diverse menu anything from sushi to pasta. It is weird to find both things on the menu at the same place, but this is what you find in Swaziland. I did order a few vegetable rolls and I can't complain. Decent rolls, but nothing out of this world. This is a great place for groups and or even for a date! Nice place to take out visitors also. Friendly staff, nice ambience.

Nærmeste Restaurant:

Ramblas Restaurant Mbabane

Mantsholo Street, Mbabane
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