eDish Cafe i Mbabane

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Somhlolo Road, Mbabane, SZ Suazilandia
Kontakter telefon: +268 2404 5505
Hjemmeside: www.edishcafe.com
Latitude: -26.3196048, Longitude: 31.1342891
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Kommentar 5

  • Kgomotso Modimoeng

    Kgomotso Modimoeng


    Only place i received good service, since arrived in the coutry. South African tour operator

  • njabulo thanduxolo Masuku

    njabulo thanduxolo Masuku


    Can't say enough good things about this restaurant. The food is is delightful, the staff is friendly and the ambiance is unparalleled in Mbabane.

  • Jessica Macias

    Jessica Macias


    Very nice place with views of Mbabane. It is a nice place to work with your computer while having a tasty meal. The internet is good but they just give you a voucher for two hours.

  • Laura Gast

    Laura Gast


    Good coffee and tasty egg sandwiches on croissants. Good place to have a breakfast/lunch meeting or have a coffee and hunker down on your laptop and work for a bit.

  • Callum Pierce

    Callum Pierce


    Food is great, staff are friendly, menu hasn't changed in a while though

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